About the author
Choreographer, dancer and lecturer.
In 1998 she founded the Ronit Ziv Ensemble and has been active since as an independent choreographer.
In her works, she breaks new ground in combinations between text and movement, in which the word and the written text translate into a physical image.
Obtained an MA degree From Tel Aviv University.
Lecturer of choreography in the Master’s Degree Program at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance.
Visiting Professor at Pomona College, Scripps College, UCLA.
2020- “Say it Once in A Trio”
2018 – “HaHaHa.dot.com” – 2018 Art Award of the Fringe Theater Beer Sheva Dance Week.
2018 – “Ronit Ziv – the state of affairs”.
2017 – “Say it One Time Only and Never Say it Twice”.
2015 – “Three Sisters – Touch, Disconnect” Produced following “Three Sisters”, a short story by SY Agnon.